Saturday, December 19, 2009

NIKE Lunaracer: Running Shoe Review

I bought this new pair of NIKE Lunaracer at the NIKE Store at The Grove in Los Angeles last 10 September 2008, few days before I returned to Manila. The sales guy at the NIKE Store, who happens to be a black guy in his 30s, lectured to me the difference between the NIKE Lunarlite Trainer and this shoes. He suggested that I should try to wear both shoes and actually feel the difference between the two. As soon as I tried the shoes one at a time, I told him immediately what I felt. The NIKE Lunarlite Trainer has a wide forefoot area and I could feel that my foot and toes do not feel the tight snug I want for a running shoes. As for the NIKE Lunaracer, the shoes’ forefoot area is very narrow and I could feel a nice and tight fit for my feet in the said running shoes.

Aside from being the lightest racing shoes in the market, the Lunarlite cushion/sole is made of “high-tech” material which is very comfortable to the feet, and the lightweight remaining materials of the shoes is made from NIKE’s latest “Flywire” technology. Lastly, the color (yellow-green) is pleasing to the eyes and sends a message for the shoes to be “environment-friendly”. The shoestrings are very light, too! Most of the 2008 Olympic track athletes in Beijing sponsored by NIKE were using this kind of shoes.

I immediately decided to get the NIKE Lunaracer as my racing shoes because of its nice “snug” fit to my feet and for being light as compared to other racing shoes that I’ve tried. The sales guy warned me not to use this racing shoes for road races longer than 10K runs. I just smiled and told him that I’ve been running for quite sometime and I know how to choose what shoes to wear for a particular distance whether it is a marathon or ultramarathon race or lesser distance race. Then, he asked my age and I told him that I am 56 years old. He was surprised and called the attention of the other sales ladies of the NIKE Store by telling them that I am a runner who just finished the San Francisco Marathon and the Bulldog 50K Ultra Trail Run at the age of 56 years old. He told me that he was planning to run also a 10K race and later experience running a marathon. I paid $108.25 inclusive of sales tax for the said shoes. While I was about to leave the store, I told him to visit this blog and for him to know my experiences and training in running. I hope the NIKE Store sales guy is presently one of my visitors in this blog.

The first time I used this shoes was during the Hope In Motion 3 Run at Ayala Alabang Village which I ran for the 10K race and another 10K for an easy long run with other runner-bloggers. In that run and initial “baptism” of this shoes, I felt I was running faster than my usual pace and the shoes was very light and comfortable.

I admit I perspire a lot during my runs, most especially running beyond the 10K race, and my socks are the ones that absorb my sweat but I observe that the shoes itself don’t get wet. I could feel that the shoes is still light even if my socks are wet but there is a “loud” pounding sound of the shoes every time my feet hit the ground. Although this is just a minor observation but such sound gives me “beat” or signal whether my legs’ turn-over/stride frequency is getting slower during the race.

The second time I used this shoes was during the Adidas KOTR 21K Race and I did not follow the advise of the NIKE Store sales guy. I ran a faster pace again for my half-marathon using this NIKE racer shoes and got my best PR time for the said distance based from the official results of the race.

While using this shoes during my tempo and interval runs at the ULTRA Oval Track, I was surprised that I was getting a better time for the whole running workout. Although I only used this shoes twice at the oval track, I know it can deliver as good as the “spiked” racing track shoes.

Lately, I used this racing shoes during the 4th October Run Festival 10K Run held last Sunday at The Fort. Well, what can I say? I improved my finish time again using this shoes. Whether it was the shoes or my “speed runs” at the ULTRA Oval Track that contributed to my faster finish times, the fact is…the shoes is very light and comfortable to my feet.

Officially, I am reserving the use of this shoes for my future weekend road races and I am even thinking of using it for the Milo Marathon Finals on 30 November 2008.

This morning, while I was doing my usual running workout at the ULTRA Oval Track, I saw a regular and daily “brisk walker” at the Oval Track sporting this kind of shoes and I could sense that he was enjoying his “walkathon” workout for the day. I guess, we belong to the same age bracket.

If you can find one of this NIKE Lunaracer Shoes in the NIKE Stores in Metro Manila right now, don’t hesitate and don’t think twice.

“Just Buy It!”

1 comment:

  1. I love running shoes because Trainers Shoes are not only stylish but very comfortable
